lauantaina, toukokuuta 08, 2010

Naisten ja miesten äo:sta

Professori ja Englannin ylähuoneen jäsen Susan Adele Greenfieldin mukaan miesten äo on keskimäärin 5 pistettä naisten äo:ta korkeampi.

Kun miespuolinen taloustieteen professori ja Harvardin Yliopiston presidentti Lawrence Summers esitti saman väitteen vuonna 2005, hänet pakotettiin eroamaan vuonna 2006.

Naiset eivät siis ole aliedustettuja huipputiedemiesten joukossa:

For not only is the average man more intelligent than the average woman but also a clear and rather startling imbalance emerges between the sexes at the high levels of intelligence that the most demanding jobs require.

For instance, at the near-genius level (an IQ of 145), brilliant men outnumber brilliant women by 8 to one. That's statistics, not sexism.
In this context, Professor Greenfield's indignation that only one in ten science professors is female doesn't seem all that bad. It also goes some way to explaining why, in almost 110 years of Nobel Prize history, only two women have ever won the Prize for physics, only four have won the Prize for chemistry and why no women at all have ever won the coveted Fields Medal for mathematics in eight decades of trying.

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