torstaina, heinäkuuta 30, 2009


Poliittinen korrektius kärsii aina joskus takaiskuja.

Amerikkalaiset oli opetettu käyttämään poliittisesti korrekteja termejä kuten afro-american ja minority problems.

Sitten joku "rasisti" tulee ja rikkoo hyvän konsensuksen:

New readers keep asking what the word NAM means, because it's thrown around here quite frequently, but when you Google it, nothing comes up.

So in order to correct this problem, I am devoting a post to the word.

NAM is an acronym for "non-Asian minority," and it's a significant distinction from just "minority" because Asians (including Indians) don't cause any social problems (except to make upper-middle-class white parents fret that their children's math classes are too hard because the Asian students are ruining the curve).

Voi tietysti kysyä eikö minority problem itse asiassa ole rasistinen termi aasialaisten näkökulmasta.

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